-About US-

-Company Profile-
Durator: Nakamuraya (Tourproclub.com)
Representative Officer: Kenji Nakamura
Location:, 615-0833, Kyoto City, Kyoto City, Kyoto City 20-2 1F
Phone number: 075-205-4717
Email address: nakamuraya@kyotonakamuraya.com
Business hours AM10: 00 -PM04: 00
Regular holiday: Saturday, Sunday, and holidays
License Information No. 61280730035 /Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission /Ancient merchant license
Payment method: Credit card / PayPal

Payment time: Please pay at the time of product purchase.
Product delivery time: We will send it on the same day as soon as payment is completed.
Product delivery method: Delivery
Returned, defective, and cancellation: As described in the return policy
Return deadline: As described in the return policy